Friday, September 2, 2011

Politicians 'on the web'

It seems like the election may (A big 'may') be won on the social media next year. Just think about it, all the 'big' players are twitting(sp), 'facebooking' and the like. strategically, it makes sense, afterall we have seen what the social media do (Egypt is the best example). I will be analysing the effects of this media in  the coming months. In the meantime, check out this related article in techmtaa;

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Public appointments and consultations

May be I dont get this correctly, and may be I am making many assumptions, or remotely, may be I am right - looking at the appointment of the controller of Budget, the Auditor General and the Attorney General, it seems to me that the two strong men bargained on the basis of 'you give me this, and I will let you have the other one'

so where are issues of regional balance?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Silver lining - New state of Southern Sudan

In 2005 when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the government of Sudan (North), and the rebels (South) was signed, it didnt look like it would be long before the agreement would be worth no more than the paper it was written on. This view was porbably more sellable after the long serving 'Rebel' leader - Dr.John Garang died (some say killed) on 30th July of the same year.

Today in 2011, we have in every sense other than the official paperwork and all, a new state of Southern Sudan. The road has not been easy, infact its been difficult, but in the end it has happened.

Bilachuki bouquets go to President Al-Bashir, for accepting the results (making me loose all my bets), the people of Southern Sudan for turning out in large numbers to give the results legitimacy and above all to their leader Silva Kiir for carrying on from where Dr. Garang left and doing so quite competently.


When i started this blog in 2008, it was largely a reaction to the political happenings in Kenya. it was at a time when I was doing a great deal of debating on what the world is vis-a-vis what it ought to be, it was a time when I looked and didnt see where we were heading, first as Kenyans and secondly as Africans. It was a time when the only comfort I found was behind my screen, in the virtual world of the internet, amidst strangers who I had never seen and would probably never see.

Fast forward 2011, 3 years on, nothings seems to really have changed. Sorry, a lot has changed, but things still remain the same. In Kenya, there still is the ICC, coalition government wrangles, poverty, hunger and disesases....

In africa, I hear cries of the people of Tunisia, I see the riots and civil disobidience in Egypt, I can feel the protests of the people of Uganda, there is silent but loud protestation to the rule of Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Africa, mother Africa!

I am back in this virtual world, to 'hide' from my frustrations and dissapointments at what we have turned out to be.